Tools We Use at Databoy Pro Sites

What are some of the cool resources we use on our creative projects and client websites? Glad you asked! We’ve prepared a list just for you. It’s not comprehensive, but we plan to make it pretty close to that.


Canva – We use Canva for nearly everything in terms of design.

Favicon Generator – Use this to create a favicon for your site in less than a minute.

Squoosh – Compress images and change their format to WebP.


Zoho Books – Comprehensive way to manage basically everything about your accounting. We’ve been using this for a while, and chances are we’ll keep at it for a while longer.

Lano – Used by 100,000+ freelancers, Lano puts simple, beautiful, and professional accounting tools at your fingertips. Who doesn’t want that?

Free Invoice Builder – Great way to create your first invoice in minutes, for free!


JSONPlaceholder – Free fake API for testing and prototyping.

dummyJSON – Dummy/fake JSON data to use as placeholder in development or in prototype testing.

Lorem Picsum – The Lorem Ipsum for photos.

More stuff is on the way ..