Have you ever looked at a successful blog and wondered how it got there? The fact that you’re reading this post suggests that the answer is ‘yes’. So, what are the blogging secrets that can help you achieve similar success?
Why do you need to know these Blogging Secrets?
Normally, there are a thousand things you need to learn before you’re able to run a blog successfully. This reason alone is why most bloggers give up before they even get the chance to start.
But what if you could skip making all the unnecessary mistakes and focus only on the important things? Sounds like less of a hassle right?
Something you need to know about bloggers that are successful today is that their journey was not an easy one. They tried and failed so many times before they finally got their feet off the ground.
However, that doesn’t have to be your story. This article is intended to help you avoid this trial and error phase by giving you the blogging blueprints right from the go. These blueprints include blogging secrets that successful bloggers won’t talk about.
With that said, grab your notebook and tag along.
1. The Best Time To Start Is Now
Are you scared of starting a blog because you don’t think you’re ready yet? Spoiler Alert! You’ll never feel like you’re ready.
Ever heard the phrase, “Practice makes perfect”? This principle is the core of blogging.
Learning is one thing but putting that knowledge into practice is another. What you need to know is that no matter how much knowledge you get on a subject, you still won’t feel ready to start a blog.
Ask any successful blogger today if they were ready when they decided to start blogging. You’ll be surprised by the number of bloggers who went through the same thing you’re going through right now.
Your best option is to start! Don’t worry about what comes after just yet because all that information will fall into place once you’re already on the blogging horse.
2. Your Niche Should Be Based On Your Strengths
What should I write about? How do I know that’s the right thing to write about? What If I run out of ideas? These are the most common questions that pledge people who want to start blogging.
Not knowing what to write about discourages most bloggers. It scares them and prevents them from even starting. All successful bloggers today focus on creating content where their strengths lie. This should also be the approach that you take as well.
Writing content for your blog should be less of a task and more of a hobby where you focus on talking about your strengths.
The questions below can help you get started on finding the perfect niche:
- What can I talk about all day without running out of stuff to say?
- What am I passionate about?
- What am I willing to write about for months without expecting a single dime?
In addition learning the blogging secrets outlined in this post, you can also read our article on how to pick the perfect niche for your blog.
3. Don’t Monetize Just Yet
Making money from your blog should be the last thing on your mind. If making money through blogging is your primary objective, you need to change that mindset.
For you to successfully monetize your blog, you need traffic, not just any kind of traffic, but the right kind.
Your primary objective should be to provide useful content to your audience to gain their trust. This is the only time they’ll want to give you their money when they trust you.
Remember the third question you needed to ask yourself before picking a niche? What are you willing to write about for months without expecting a single dime?
This precisely is what your mindset should be like. Look at blogging as a hobby, something you’d do because you love doing, not something you’d do only because you want to get paid.
Most new bloggers get this wrong because they think they’re supposed to start making money immediately after they publish their first blog post.
4. Pick A Good Blog Name
This might be one of our favorite blogging secrets because it’s something most people wouldn’t think about.
Blog names say a lot about your blog before your content ever does. A good blog name has the power to draw people in because it makes them assume you’re professional.
Your blog name has to be catchy and easy to remember, something that people can just type into a web browser to get to your page.
Facebook is a perfect example of an easy and catchy name, not because it’s globally known, but because it’s easy to remember.
Do a little research on finding a good blog name. Write down a couple of ideas, use the elimination method to get rid of some of them, and ask people which ones they like from the few ideas you have left.
5. Write For Your Audience And Not Yourself
An important point to keep in mind when you start writing content is that it’s for your audience to read and not for you.
The blog may be yours but the information you post on it should be for your audience because they’re the ones who make it successful.
What type of audience do you wish to attract to your blog? Maybe someone like your friend Jeff? If so, all you have to do is think about Jeff the entire time you write your content.
You should think… “Jeff would love reading this, Jeff would hate reading that” not, “I would love reading this, and hate reading that”.
Jeff becomes your Buyer Persona.
Having a buyer persona prevents you from writing content for yourself but your audience instead.
When your audience can relate to your content they’ll start to trust you. You’ll become their regular source of information and they’ll also engage with you and your content whenever they can.
You’re able to build regular traffic that converts and engages with your content through this.
Wrapping Up
A lot of the successful bloggers today made a lot of mistakes before they got to where they are. Do you think these blogging secrets will help you make fewer mistakes?
In this article, we’ve discussed the 5 most common mistakes that prevent most bloggers from either starting or continuing with their blogging journey.
There’s no better time to start your blogging journey than now. Remember, even the bloggers you look up to today felt the same dilemma you’re going through now.
They also didn’t know what to write about, how to pick a good blog name, and what they needed to create for their audience only.
These blogging secrets aren’t talked about by most bloggers. We however decided to give you this blueprint because we don’t want you to start your blogging journey making mistakes that you could easily avoid.
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